Providing the public with a platform to engage in the Fight for Creation and get seen standing for truth.

Fight for Creation offers advertising space for businesses to reach a more targeted and relevant audience. 

War against Evil Campaigns involve:

  • Exposing the enemy to the public in massive distribution of fliers, info cards, booklets, and social media posts.
  • Provide Comprehensive resources and educational materials to develop a deeper understanding on our website
  • Telling the Full Truth. God obviously said REPENT OR PERISH, The World is in TREASON to the Authentic God and at war with God. Satan’s kingdom vs God? USA, Russia, China, Europe etc. DO NOT EXIST IN NEW HEAVENS AND EARTH.  I have no Allegiance to any group or flag. Love Righteousness. Hate evil. 
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The United States is an Evil empire of Satan’s Kingdom.  Moloch worship is Government Worship. Dark Secrets inside bohemian Grove has a Moloch owl and cremation of Care ceremonies. Leviticus18:21 and thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the Lord. If Gods name was “I am”   are you profane the name of God and saying I am citizen/subject of USA a satanic kingdom?  Do they ask you if your vaccinated? do you say I am and profane the name of God?

Were you passed thru fire as a child to Molech in cremation of care ceremonies? Did Moloch take your cares away? here take the child to school and not homeschool the child? how? give your child a mark identification of the beast kingdom (book Daniel) Socialist Security number? Birth certificate (vessel of honor or dishonor) docked in Satan’s kingdom slave papers? The government say you had to be vaccinated? don’t worry/care your child can now go to school and be healthy and get insurance and license / licentious papers and be whored out whore of Babylon riding the beast. cremate your cares to us said Moloch? Government worship?  did you set your child apart as a true king born as child God? 

Which religion said a foreskin on a penis is not supposed to be there?  did God create the child unclean? Thou shall not steal. Egyptian trauma based/root chakra mind control? expose your capital/glans? Any Country that forces pass through fire to moloch, and religion is to trauma base child and steal his foreskin is enemy of God USA evil empire. Friendship with world is enmity with God.  False light? faulty commerce lucifer? Statue of lucifer/liberty? the light bearer?  Was it wise to cremate care moloch worship and cut a body part off foreskin? did someone shed some false light?  is it a law of God or Statue of lucifer? God hates lucifers statues that break his laws. 

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